Friday, April 1, 2011


Hello Friends!

I have an exciting opportunity with two other students from Princeton Theological Seminary this summer to do a 10 week ministry internship in Ghana. From June through August, we will be working at Christ Presbyterian Church in Akuapem Akropong, Ghana, under Rev. Daniel Nyarko. We will be involved with the ministries of the church and have many opportunities for preaching, teaching, and sharing the love of God.

God has graciously provided for all of our needs for this summer. Because we are fully funded, we would like to extend the opportunity to friends and family to be apart of the ministry we will be participating in over there. We would like to be able to bless Christ Church with a financial donation that will be used to meet the needs of the people in the community. Rev. Nyarko has expressed that necessities as basic as shoes are greatly needed within the community. It will be a blessing to help this church continue to be a light for the people of Ghana.

Below is the Paypal link that we are using to collect the donations through June 3rd. Please consider giving $10 or however much you are able.

Online Donations:

Please keep my two companions, Ronald Dorfeuille and Simone Coley, and I in your prayers as we prepare for this opportunity!

Blessings to you!!